Last night (May 12), many areas of the state received some rainfall. In some locations, it was more than 1″ (Camilla = 1.47″; Ft. Valley = 2.04″; Midville = 2.67″, TyTy = 3.14″). Thus, I am pretty sure that my phone will be ringing off the hook this week about Valor injury in peanuts. I have discussed this problem many times before in this blog (June 3, 2013; May 4, 2017; May 21, 2020) so check those other posts out. A few things to remember: 1) This is not a new problem. Valor injury has occurred somewhere in GA since it was first registered way back in 2001; and 2) History and lots of data suggest that most peanut fields suffering from Valor damage will recover without yield losses. Here are some pics and data to help you advise your growers not to panic. Note in the graphs that these plots received more than 8″ of rainfall/irrigation within the first 30 DAP and no yield losses were observed even at the 6 oz/A rate. But, I NEVER want any peanut grower to apply a 2X rate Valor on purpose though!