A few things for you to consider, fresh from the field:
1) New technologies are great but you can control weeds without it. Nothing beats starting clean, using a strong residual herbicide (activated with moisture) at planting, followed by a timely POST (with more residual). The Palmer amaranth population in these soybean plots is both glyphosate and ALS-resistant and was at an initial density of 40+ plants/sq. ft. Boundary is a combination of metribuzin + s-metolachlor.
2) These peanut weed control programs have worked for me for more than 20+ years (started clean). Once again, I have not observed any differences between Prowl or Sonalan based programs. If you don’t like Dual Magnum, you can substitute Anthem Flex, Outlook, Warrant, or Zidua. If you don’t like Cadre, use Ultra Blazer or Cobra but lower your weed control expectations, especially if nutsedge and/or sicklepod are present.
3) Don’t expect to see much much from Cadre on yellow nutsedge for at least 21 days after application. Cadre must be absorbed by both the leaves and roots for it to be the most effective. POST applications of Cadre in dryland peanut fields that have not gotten much rain after application will likely provide less than optimum control.
4) Tank-mixes of Basagran/Broadloom (bentazon) with Cadre will NOT improve the control of yellow nutsedge. In fact, it could cause antagonism.