“The Georgia Cotton Commission, Georgia Peanut Commission and the University of Georgia Extension Cotton and Peanut Teams, will co-sponsor a joint virtual research field day on Wednesday, September 9, 2020.
The virtual field day will start at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at noon. Recertification credits for pesticide applicators and CCA will be available pending approval. The field day is a free event, but attendees are encouraged to preregister below.
The purpose of the tour is to showcase current research funded by the respective commissions, in plot-side presentations by the researchers themselves. The sponsors’ goal is to provide an educational environment for cotton and peanut farmers and give them the opportunity to pose questions directly to the researchers and express opinions and concerns pertinent to their crops’ production.
Chairmen of the peanut and cotton commissions, Armond Morris and Bart Davis, respectively, agree this event gives farmers the distinct opportunity to interact with the leadership of each commission, other farmers, and industry representatives. It is an excellent place for farmers to observe, first-hand, the research programs funded by their checkoff investments.
To view an agenda, visit www.georgiacottoncommission.org or www.gapeanuts.com.”
To register for this event please click on the link below.