Things will look a little different for peanut maturity checks this year. Regan and I have been out at the buying points and farm supply blasting peanuts for the past few years, but this year we will be doing them at Extension Office. I let my calendar get away from me and realized when we started making the schedule for this year that it would be the end of October before I could fully commit to set dates. We’re set up and ready to go here at the office, but I ask that you give us a heads up before you come; that way, we can make sure one of us is here to check them for you.
Remember, for maturity checks; we need at least 200 total peanuts from several areas of the field. This will give us a good representative sample. It also doesn’t hurt to bring the vines with you. We have checked a few this week, and currently, they are tracking right up to the 140-day mark.