Pretty much the same tune as last week

Cotton: I see more and more target spot, so it may not hurt to throw a fungicide in the tank on the next round through the field. Corn is starting to be harvested, so those stink bugs will be hunting somewhere to go, so watch out for them. We have started spraying for whiteflies. All the fields sprayed so far were right at threshold or just a few days before. Remember, we are looking for at least 5 immatures on more than 50% of sampled leaves. Knack or Courier are some of our best control options for nymphs and eggs, while PQZ, Assail or Venom are some of the best options for adults and nymphs.

Peanuts: I’ve started to see a few hits of leafspot here and there but nothing dire. Spotted wilt seems to be a little more prevalent this year. Overall the peanuts are looking good.

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