Cotton: The little squall that came through Tuesday produced some hail that beat some of our cotton up. Cotton can handle a little beating but it depends on the severity of the storm and stage of growth on the cotton. The cotton won’t make it if the hail broke it off below the cotyledon. If the terminal is knocked off, the cotton will survive, but it will probably grow crazy with a bunch of vegetative branches. If the leaves are just knocked off, the cotton will be fine. The root system is still in place, but there is less leaf area, so it should respond quickly. There is no magical cure, but it is getting later in the year, so call me to talk through your particular scenario.
Peanuts: Several peanuts are reaching that first fungicide spray. With this hot and dry weather, I would strongly consider adding some Tebuconazole (7.2 oz) with your leaf spot sprays for white mold. You are ok if you are using a leaf spot material with white mold activity (Priaxor, Lucento). You are also ok if you are starting an early-season low rate Elatus or Excalia program. White mold likes it hot and dry, and it has been hot and dry. We are also looking at putting some lesser cornstalk borer traps around in some fields. I haven’t seen any lessers yet but there are reports of them showing up in south western counties. Let me know if you would like some placed in your fields. They are low and out of the way of tractors and sprayers.
Corn: Southern corn rust was found in Wayne County yesterday and in Grady Count today. Wayne County is Jesup, for those wondering; I had to look it up too. We have not confirmed southern rust in Tift County, but it is creeping closer. Regan will have a post up addressing southern rust directly.