The three-month forecast is showing south Georgia with a 40-50% chance of above-average temperatures. Precipitation shows us in white which means Equal Chances (EC). Equal chances mean that precipitation could be anywhere from 33% below normal to 33% above normal. One AgDay meteorologist, Mike Hoffman, has called for above-average precipitation for the South throughout the winter months. NOAA long-range forecast for May-June-July 2020 shows 60% above average temperatures with 40% above average precipitation. We like the rain but hopefully, it won’t lead to planting or emergence issues. We’re probably not done with the cold just yet.  A few weather stations have mentioned a few more cold shots in February and into March. As for January, we have been warmer and depending on where you’re located, fairly wet. Most of the storm cells tracked further to the north but we got our share in spots.


Feb-Mar-April 2020 Temperature














Feb-Mar-April 2020 Precipitation 


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