Most pecan growers in Georgia have been stretching out their scab sprays over the last several weeks since we have been hot and dry with no rain at all for about a month now. In the absence of any scab pressure, this was the right thing to do but when you stretch your sprays out you really have to be watching the forecast closely.
Unfortunately, the forecast has changed dramatically and we now have rain scheduled at 50-60% every day for the next week or so. Therefore growers who have been stretching sprays out need to get a fungicide spray on as soon as possible. It is always best to get a fungicide spray on prior to the rain as opposed to waiting until the rain has passed. Since many growers most likely will not be able to get over everything prior to the rain, they need to start with spraying Desirables and any other scab susceptible varieties they may have first. Now that we are entering the nut sizing stage, a good option will be a group 3 + group 11 fungicide with a surfactant or go ahead and begin spraying with Elast or Elast/Tin. Stay on a 2-week maximum interval from this point on until shell hardening, rain or shine for susceptible varieties. (Lenny Wells)