Anna Scheyett
One of my favorite podcaster/bloggers in the world of farm stress is Steph Schmitt from Australia, who is a farmer and a psychologist (you can check out her site here ). She is full of practical advice, grounded in the reality of being a working farmer herself. Today I read something she posted about farmers…
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For the past month or so I’ve had the opportunity to interview a number of producers about farm stress. I’ve asked them what they have seen and experienced, and what they think farmers need to know regarding stress and stress management. Overwhelmingly, I’ve heard the same message. Over and over again, they tell me “Farmers…
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In this blog I’ve talked a lot about ways to reduce and manage stress. Well, I’ve learned about another way to think about stress that can also be helpful— “stress inoculation.” Just like getting exposed to a small amount of a virus in a vaccine can protect you from catching the virus later and getting…
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It’s Memorial Day, when we remember those men and women who have given their lives for our country. Memorial Day falls in the month of May, which means it is during Mental Health Awareness month. I can’t help but think about these two ideas together—remembering those who have died in service and being aware of…
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Have you ever had a time when you were stressed, but just didn’t want to talk to anyone or interact with any person? In this blog we’ve talked a lot about how important it is to reach out and connect when you’re feeling stressed or down…but sometimes in the moment, it just doesn’t feel right.…
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A few days ago, I had a really interesting conversation with a seasoned Ag educator and farmer about farmer stress and supporting farmers. He was talking about the Golden Rule—you know, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”—and he asked me a question that has really stuck with me. “If,” he…
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May is Mental Health Awareness month. Sometimes people get uncomfortable or put off when we talk about mental health. It makes some folks feel like the conversation is going to get all squishy and overly emotional, or that needing support about mental health means someone is “crazy.” Sometimes words like “mental health” “counseling” “therapy” can…
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As I talk with people in agriculture about our farm stress work, I often get asked if there is a simple, central resource that discusses farmer stress—something that has information on what stress is and what it does, skills for managing stress, warning signs when stress gets too high in farmers, and what a loved…
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My mind has been wandering this week, thinking about decisions and feeling like I need to have all the answers. I started wondering–What could be more stressful than not knowing the answer to an important question or issue? I decided that even worse than the anxiety of not knowing something is not knowing and feeling…
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When I’m under a lot of stress I often forget to eat—usually because I’m busy and feel like I have to keep working and can’t stop. Then, when I get home, I swing in the other direction and stress eat, snacking on foods that comfort in the moment but make me feel tired and even…
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