Remove Stains From Alcoholic Beverages, Beer, Wine


  1. Sponge or rinse stain promptly in cool water. Pre-treat by: a. dampening the stained area with a commercial pre-wash spot and stain remover, or b. rubbing with a liquid laundry detergent or paste of granular laundry detergent and water. Launder using chlorine bleach, if safe for fabric. If not, use a sodium perborate or oxygen bleach.
  2. Soak in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon detergent and 1 tablespoon white vinegar for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. If stain remains, sponge with rubbing alcohol, rinse thoroughly and launder. Add bleach which is safe for fabric, to laundry. NOTE: Treat immediately. Alcohol may remove fabric dye.

Specifically for Wine:

  1. Sprinkle fresh stains immediately with table salt to absorb some of the stain. Sponge the stain promptly with cool water or with club soda if available. Blot thoroughly. Allow to dry.
  2. Soak in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon detergent and 1 tablespoon white vinegar for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. If stain remains, sponge with rubbing alcohol, rinse thoroughly and launder. Add bleach which is safe for fabric, to laundry.
  3. Sponge or rinse stain promptly in cool water.

Pre-treat by:

  1. soaking in a solution of sodium perborate bleach, or
  2. rubbing with a liquid laundry detergent or paste of granular laundry detergent and water. Launder using chlorine bleach if safe for fabric, or use sodium perborate bleach.


  • Always read your care label before trying any stain removal method. Do not use any products or procedures prohibited by the care label.
  • Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
  • When using caustic or highly flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation.


Synthetic Fibers, Wool:

  1. Always wipe up spilled drinks promptly. Sponge immediately with cool water to dilute the stain, trying to keep the stain from spreading.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkal;es or bleaches) with 1 cup of lukewarm water. Apply mixture to a clean white cloth. Blot stain. Next, mix 1/3 cup of white household vinegar with 2/3 cup of water. Blot stain. Repeat using the detergent and water mixture. Sponge with clean water. Blot, taking care to remove all excess moisture.
  3. If stain remains, spray lightly with a general purpose household cleaner such as 409 or Fantastic. Agitate with a toothbrush or your fingers. Blot with a white absorbent cloth. Sponge with water. Blot with a white absorbent cloth. If no stain remains, place a 1/2 inch layer of absorbent cloth on the area. Weight them down with books. Let stand 4-8 hours. Remove. Rub hand against carpet nap to restore the pile. Allow to air dry thoroughly.
  4. For wine stain, pour club soda on stain. Sponge up soda. Sponge with cool water. Blot stain. Then use Method #2 to remove any remaining traces of stain.
  5. If stain remains (for example – red wine), you will need to make a special potion. Wear rubber gloves while preparing and using the following potion:
  6. 2 tablespoons oxalic acid (also known as wood bleach)
  7. 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  8. 8 tablespoons glycerin (purchase at drug store)
  9. Butyl (not rubbing) alcohol

Mix the oxalic acid and white vinegar. Add the glycerin and stir. Continue stirring while adding enough butyl alcohol to make the mixture clear. Apply to the stain, leaving in place FOR A FEW MINUTES ONLY. Wear gloves and blot up with clean cloths. Flush with water and blot again with clean white cloths. Place 3-4 layers of absorbent cloths on spot and weight them down with a heavy object. Let stand a few fours. Remove weight and cloths. Brush carpet pi Ie lightly and let air dry.


  • Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
  • Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
  • When using caustic, toxic. aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation. Do not have an open flame near flammable cleaning solutions. Wear rubber gloves.
  • Alcohol will damage acetate, triacetate, modacrylics and acrylic fibers. Dilute with 2 parts water on acetate.
  • Vinegar should be diluted with 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar if used on cotton

Hard Surface Floors

General – Brick, Concrete, Resilient, Stone/masonry, Tile, Wood:

  1. Rub stain with a cloth dampened in a solution of detergent and water.
  2. If the stain remains, apply denatured alcohol to a soft cloth and rub the stain gently.


  • The first time you use any procedure on any floor, test it first on an out-of-the-way part of the floor to be sure it does not damage the flooring or finish.
  • When working with chemicals, carefully read and follow the label directions, especially any cautions on safe home use.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.

Brick, Concrete, Stone/masonry (Except Marble And Terrazzo)

Wipe up beverage spill immediately. Wash with cloth dipped in a solution of 1 teaspoon of Washing (sal) Soda or all purpose laundry detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Rinse thoroughly and dry.


  • Do not use soap.
  • Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
  • When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation.


  1. Wipe up spilled beverage as quickly as possible.
  2. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of liquid detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Sponge up stain using this solution. Wipe with a clean cloth dipped in clear water.
  3. If stain remains, dampen a clean cloth in denatured alcohol and apply to stain. Follow with a cloth or sponge dipped in- dean water, removing all traces of alcohol.
  4. If stain remains, lay an absorbent cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide directly over the stain. Place an ammonia saturated pad on top of the first pad. Allow to remain until stain is gone. Keep pads damp. Sponge with clean water and allow to dry.
  5. If stain remains, make a poultice of water, chlorine bleach and a mild powdered laundry detergent. Put it on the stain. Cover with a damp cloth. Let it stand until the stain is bleached out. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

NOTE: A poultice can be made using a white absorbent material such as a napkin, blotter, paper towel or facial tissue, dampened with the chemical recommended to dissolve the stain; or mix whiting with that chemical to make a soft paste to cover the stain. The poultice should be left on from 1 to 48 hours, depending on the age and depth of the stain. Plastic wrap, held in place by masking tape can be put over the poultice to keep it damp; otherwise it will have to be re-dampened with the chemical periodically. Mix only enough poultice for immediate use; mix a second batch if another application is needed.


  • Always wear rubber gloves when working with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.


  1. Wipe up spilled beverage as quickly as possible.
  2. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of liquid detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Sponge up stain using this solution. Wipe with a clean cloth dipped in clear water.
  3. If stain remains, dampen a clean cloth in denatured alcohol and apply to the stain. Follow with a cloth or sponge dipped in clean water, removing all traces of alcohol.
  4. If stain remains, lay an absorbent cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide directly over the stain. Place an ammonia saturated pad on top of the first pad. Allow to remain until stain is gone. Keep pads damp. Sponge with clean water and allow to dry.


  • Always wear rubber gloves when working with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of chi Idren.
  • When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate venti lation.


Wipe up beverage spill immediately with a cloth or sponge moistened with warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.


  1. Using a paper towel, blot up the spill immediately! Work gently to avoid spreading the spill. Rub the spot vigorously with the palm of your hand, or with a clean cloth dipped in a small amount of furniture polish.
  2. For older stains, use a paste of rottenstone, baking soda or cigarette ash, mixed with mineral oil, linseed oil or lemon oil. Using a soft cloth, rub lightly in the direction of the grain. Wipe, using a cloth to which plain linseed oil has been applied. With another clean cloth, rub briskly in the direction of the grain of the wood. Wipe frequently to compare and match the gloss of the repaired area with the original finish.
  3. For older stains, you can dip super fine (#0000) steel wool in paste wax. Rub gently with the grain, then buff with a clean cloth.

NOTE: Rottenstone is a very fine abrasive found in hardware and paint stores. Powdered pumice (from paint store) is a harsher abrasive than rottenstone. Before using, test to be sure it will not damage the finish.


Aluminum, Bamboo, Cane, Cast/wrought Iron, Fiberglass, Lucite, Marble, Melamine, Permawicker, Plastic, Rattan, Steel, Synthetic Resin, Vinyl, Wicker, Wood:

Alcohol stains are caused by some spilled drinks and by many medicines, lotions and perfumes. Since alcohol dissolves many finishes, it is important to react quickly.


  1. Wipe up spilled beverage as quickly as possible.
  2. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of liquid detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Sponge up stain using this solution. Wipe with a clean cloth dipped in clear water.
  3. If stain remains, apply denatured alcohol to a clean cloth and apply to stain. Follow with a cloth or sponge dipped in clear water, removing all traces of alcohol.
  4. If stain remains, lay an absorbent cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide directly over stain. Place an ammonia saturated pad on top of the first pad. Allow to remain until stain is gone. (Keep pads damp.) Sponge with clear water and allow to dry.
  5. If stain remains, make a poultice of water, hydrogen peroxide bleach and a mild powdered laundry detergent and put on the stain. Cover with a damp cloth. Let stand until the stain is bleached out. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

NOTE: A poultice can be made using a white absorbent material such as a napkin, blotter, paper towel or facial tissue, dampened with the chemical recommended to dissolve the stain; or mix whiting with that chemical to make a soft paste to cover the stain. The poultice should be left on from 1 to 48 hours, depending on the age and depth of the stain. Plastic wrap, held in place by masking tape can be put over the poultice to keep it damp; otherwise it will have to be re-dampened with the chemical periodically. Mix only enough poultice for immediate use; mix a second batch if another application is needed.


Always wear rubber gloves when working with hydrogen peroxide.

Upholstered Furniture

Blended Fibers, Fiberglass, Fur, Leather, Natural Fibers, Synthetic Fibers, Vinyl, Vinyl Coated, Wool:

Mix 1 teaspoon of a neutral detergent with a cup of lukewarm water. Apply mixture to clean white cloth. Blot stain. Do not rub harshly. Do not soak. Use soft white cloth or a sponge only. Next, mix 1/3 cup of white household vinegar with 2/3 cup of water. Apply mixture to clean white cloth. Blot stain. Repeat with detergent and water solution. Sponge with clear water, being careful not to get backing and padding too wet. When stain removal process is completed, allow the upholstery to dry as rapidly as possible.

NOTE: Sizing rings may occur when a fabric gets too wet. Do not remove cushion from the cover before cleaning.


  • Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
  • Overwetting with water may cause the finish on the upholstery fabric to migrate and thus leave a circle in the treated area.
  • Vinegar should be diluted with 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar if used on cotton or linen.

Walls And Ceilings

Dry Wall/gypsum Board (Painted), Paper (Plastic Coated, Vinyl Fabric Backed, Paper Backed, Solid), Wood, Paneling:

Wipe up beverage spill immediately with a cloth or sponge moistened with warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.


(Hocked-embossed, Foil, Grass-cloth, Regular Untreated)

With a clean absorbent cloth, blot up excess spill immediately. Wipe stained area very gently with a sponge or cloth dipped in clear, warm water. Be careful not to over-wet the wallpaper. Strokes should overlap or the wallpaper may become streaked. Carefully pat or blot dry. (Do not use soap or detergent.)


Enamel, Kitchen/bathroom Cabinets (Laminated)

Wipe up beverage spill immediately with a cloth or sponge moistened with warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.

Exterior Surfaces


Rub stain with a cloth dampened in a solution of detergent and water. If the stain remains, apply denatured alcohol to a soft cloth and rub the stain gently.


  • When working with chemicals, carefully read and follow the label directions – especially any cautions on safe home use.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.

Porches, Decks, Patios: Brick, Concrete, Cement, Masonry, Stone

Wipe up beverage spill immediately. Wash with cloth dipped in a solution of 1 teaspoon of Washing (sal) Soda or all purpose laundry detergent in 1 quart of warm water. Rinse thoroughly and dry.


  • Do not use soap.
  • Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
  • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.


Wipe up beverage spill immediately with a cloth or sponge moistened with warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.