Cotton and soybean varieties with tolerance to auxin herbicides (2,4-D or dicamba) are nearing commercialization. Prior to making applications of dicamba to dicamba-tolerant cotton/soybean or 2,4-D to 2,4-D-tolerant cotton/soybeans in Georgia, growers will be required to attend the training “Using Pesticides Wisely”. The training will focus on helping applicators/growers make wise decisions when applying not only 2,4-D and dicamba but all pesticides. Growers are strongly encouraged to bring their applicators with them. Attendance is suggested for all on farm applicators to confirm that they are educated in best management practices when applying all pesticides.
Growers that attended trainings during 2015, as long as they registered, are not required to attend the meeting again. However, they are welcome to attend as many times as they like. The trainings last year resulted in 1061 Georgia growers completing the required training. A survey conducted of these trainings noted 99% of these growers felt the training was worth their time and 98% of them felt the training would help them increase on-target pesticide applications.
For growers who have not attended this training, options for 2016 are provided below. Select a time/location and RSVP to the specific location for attendance. The required trainings will cover a 2 to 2.5 hr time period and will provide pesticide credit. Snacks and drinks will be provided (no meal).