A little later this year than last year, plum curculio are becoming active in middle Georgia peach orchard. Although this may be a weird and uncertain time of the year, if you have varieties at or near petal fall, it is time to start preparing your plum curculio management program. Based on what we are seeing middle GA, orchards in the Ridge and upstate SC and GA have a week or two, respectively, before we would expect to start seeing plum curculio moving into the orchards.

Imidan, Actara, Belay, and Avaunt provide excellent control and good residual control of plum curculio and Oriental fruit moth. Rotation of Imidan, Actara, Belay, or Avaunt with pyrethroids should help protect the resistance-prone pyrethroid class. Check out the 2021 management guide for current recommendations for plum curculio management.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

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