Attract a variety of birds to visit with the proper selection and arrangement of ornamental trees, shrubs and food producing plants.
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The gardening season is now in full swing! Following these tips should help your garden produce a bumper crop.
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There are two things butterflies want when looking for a garden to visit: nectar (the food source for adults) and host plants where the females lay their eggs and what the larva (caterpillars) need to grow. Check out the full blog to learn more.
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On August 23rd and 24th, 2019, Georgians will make pollinator history. On those dates, citizens across the state will be counting pollinators as part of the Great Georgia Pollinator Census (https://GGaPC.org). The census is designed for individuals, families, garden groups, public gardens, and school groups to participate. All citizens are encouraged to count!
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Sooty mold is a problem caused by an infestation of aphids, whiteflies or scale insects. It develops on the foliage of many ornamental plants, covering the top surface of leaves, which decreases the plants photosynthetic ability.
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As the weather continues to warm, many chores in our home landscape still need to be done. Remember, there could be a lack of soil moisture later in the season and anything that you can do now to conserve water later will keep your plants healthy & your home showcase looking great.
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Diseases can seriously damage or completely destroy a vegetable garden. However, there are a few things the home gardener can do to reduce the risk of a disease epidemic.
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As the weather continues to warm and schedules become busier, it is time to plan for getting the most out of the home landscape during the summer months. May is a very important time to take care of these jobs.
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