Now that you’ve had a first look of the new system (missed the previous post? Check it out here), let’s go through the steps of what you will use MGLOG 2.0 most frequently for – reporting volunteer service hours! After logging into the system, follow these steps:

- From the red toolbar, click the dropdown arrow or hover your mouse over Volunteer Hours.
- Click Report My Hours. You will notice that the reporting form opens as a new tab within MGLOG.
- Project Name and Date of Activity: Select the project from the dropdown project list. This list is specific to your volunteer county. Type in the date fields (mm/dd/yyyy) or select the date of the work performed from the calendar icon. If the work was performed over a range of dates, you may use the last day for this field. Note the date range in the description field. Only dates in the current calendar year can be submitted. (Note: The date fields will default to the current date. Be sure the date of the entry reflects the date of the volunteer service.)
- Hours and Description: Enter the amount of volunteer hours. You may use decimals to represent portions of hours. For example, an hour and a half would be “1.5” hours. To submit a value less than 1, first type a 0, then decimal point, and then the appropriate fraction (half an hour would be typed 0.5). For entries of less than 1 hour, the 0 must be included before the decimal point. Describe the volunteer work in the Description field.
- 15 minutes or a ¼-hour = 0.25
- 30 minutes or a ½-hour = 0.5
- 45 minutes or ¾-hour = 0.75
- Contacts: Record the following –
- Contacts made by phone calls: Number of contacts made by phone during this volunteer work. Do not put a phone number here.
- Personal contacts: Number of face to face contacts made during the volunteer work
- Written contacts: Number of contacts through email, mail or brochures during the volunteer work
- Unreimbursed Contributions:
- Travel hours: total time spent traveling to and from the volunteer activity (Travel time is NOT included in the volunteer service time.)
- Mileage: total miles traveled, decimal point can be used is needed
- Value of materials/supplies donated: dollar amount for the value of any donated items for this volunteer work
- Brief description of donation (optional)
Review your entry and make sure all required fields are complete with correct information. Then, click the green Insert Record button to save your entry. The entry will now be included on your Volunteer Hours List. After inserting the record, a dialog box will appear. “This record has been added to the database. The form will re-open so you may edit, copy, delete or add a new record of the same kind.” Click OK. The entry you just made will still be populated in the reporting form, with the addition of an Hours ID number at the top of the form. To record more volunteer service entries use the Add New button to start an empty report form, or use the Copy Record button to create a copy of the filled in report form. This option may save you some time when recording entries with consistent information, like project, date, or description.