We use the Educational Activity Report (EAR) in MGLOG to capture details about a public event hosted by MGEVs. It’s really a progress report or highlight of an event that shares important information, such as the number of attendees and length of teaching time, with Agents. This information is easily added up in MGLOG shared via monthly reports that Agents prepare for Extension’s state and federal stakeholders.
MGEVs who are Project Coordinators within MGLOG have this function available to them. They are able to view the information that the project team reports via MGLOG and compile it into one report for the educational activity. When I was piloting the MG SPROUTS materials, I entered my session results into MGLOG as a way to capture that information (my MGEV alter-ego is Iris Stein!). Here’s an example of what it looks like after each session:
To enter an EAR in MGLOG:
- From the main menu, choose “Create a New EAR”. NOTE: This form must be completed in a certain order so that data can be compiled here.
- Complete the BASIC INFORMATION section. This includes things like Chair-Coordinator (the person completing the EAR), project title (select from drop-down list of projects within the county), the lecture or presentation title (the title of the specific presentation or topic of workshop or demonstration, etc.), the location where the event occurred, the start and end date (if a one-day event, the start and end date are the same; if took place over a period of days or months, enter those dates in these blocks.). Click “Insert Record” at this point to create the report, and then go on to complete the next sections.
- GENERAL CONTACT INFORMATION — just as with recording hours, indicate the total number of contacts in each category here. Face-to-face or in-person contacts should indicate how many were adults (homeowners) and youth that were reached.
- CONTACT DEMOGRAPHICS — (If you did not complete the step above, you will see an error message in this section. Be sure to click “Insert Record” first.) In this section, record the demographic information for the participants in your event. If you have used a sign-in sheet for the event, individuals will have marked this information for you and you can transfer this from the sign-in sheet.
- In the PROGRAM LENGTHS section, we capture important information about the event. Enter how many hours of actual instruction were conducted. For example, it took 6 hours from start to finish for the event, but the presentation part was 1.5 hours. Record how many sessions or presentations were offered, the length of the entire event, how many adult volunteers worked on the event, and how many volunteer hours went into hosting this event.Project coordinators have access to any hours reported for the project so that they can complete this for the event. If you keep your hours updated in MGLOG, it will be easy for Project Coordinators to gather this information accurately.
- The last section, VALUE AND COMMENTS, we capture what it took to conduct the event. Be sure to record in-kind support (the cash value of the in-kind support you received for the event), donated support (any actual cash money donated to the event), and any comments, such as end results that you saw, what happened as a result of this project or event.
- When required fields are completed, click “insert record.” The report is now included on the EAR List.
When EARs are entered into MGLOG, the agent can run a summary report for the project. This picks up all the information, including MGEV preparation time, when combined with an hourly report for the project. This is what the EAR summary report looks like:
It’s really pretty simple to complete an EAR. Can you give it a try? The next time you complete a presentation or workshop, work with your Project Coordinator to enter the information into MGLOG!