The October 2023 version of our newsletter is out! If you want to know what’s going on in Madison County 4-H, you can visit our website at and never miss an event or activity!

A few things to note:
The Madison County 4-H Fruit Tree Sale Fundraiser is happening NOW through Friday, November 3, 2023! We have several varieties to choose from. You can visit the web page at for more information. All trees must be pre-ordered by the November 3rd deadline and orders can be picked up at our office between 9am and 6pm on Tuesday, November 21st.
6th Grade Cloverleaf Project Achievement—November 3-4. Please call our office no later than October 20th to register. Sixth graders will have the opportunity to participate in a Friday night dance, spend Friday night at Rock Eagle, and enjoy breakfast and lunch on Saturday, plus receive special recognition in the awards assembly. Students will eat supper before arriving! Our goal is to have 10 or more 6th graders participate! Call our office if you have any questions.
Junior Conference (for 6th-8th graders) is November 11-12, 2023. Registration closes at noon on October 31st.
The Elite NE Trivia Tournament (for 6th-12th graders) will be held on November 20th at the Jackson County Ag Facility (10am-4pm). This is a fun and laid-back competition where teams of 4-H’ers compete for the Trivia Championship Belt, currently held by Jackson County. The cost is $7 per participant and covers lunch and transportation. If you’re interested in being part of our team, please call 706-795-2281 or email by Wednesday, November 15th.
Fall Forum (for 9th-12th graders) is December 9-10, 2023. Registration closes on November 28th for participants and November 14th for those applying for Teen Leader.