A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

The Wildlife/Pond Management meeting is next Thursday, February 21, 6:00 pm at the Lowndes County Extension office address: 2102 East Hill Ave Valdosta Georgia. 

Below are the speakers/presenters and topics:

Stephen Spradley- Georgia Forestry Commission-

Hurricane damage to timber, Effects/benefits of Prescribed Fire with Wildlife Management

Dallas Ingram-GA DNR

Quail management and funding options

Dr. Gary Burtle -UGA

Aquatic weed control, Pond liming and fertilizing program, When and how to use chemical treatments, Grass carp stocking, Effects of shallow water on weed growth, And long term aquatic plant management.

Please call the office at (229) 333-5185 or email me a few days ahead if you plan to attend to register. Pesticide credit will be given for those who attend the class (Category: 21, 23, 26&10). Please let me know if you have any questions.

Joshua Dawson,

Joshua Dawson

Fort Valley State University 

Ag and Natural Resources agent

Lowndes County Extension

Email: dawsonj01@fvsu.edu

Office: (229) 333-5185