Colbi Turner
While we have started to see some warmer temperatures and sunny skies in Lincolnton, this spring has had a lot of particularly wet and cool weather. This weather or environment may contribute to a significant number of plant issues as we head into the growing season. When experiencing plant issues, there are a few things…
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Did you know that agriculture is the number one industry in Georgia? Agriculture and related industries represent over 359,220 jobs and over $70.1 billion dollars in output to Georgia’s economy. There are over 42,439 farms in Georgia on 9.9 million acres of property. This week (March 22-26th) was selected as the Georgia Agriculture Awareness Week,…
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A nutrient is defined as any substance that provides nourishment for the growth and maintenance of life. Nutrients are classified in several ways. First consider whether they are needed in large amounts, called macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbohydrates) or whether they are needed in small amounts, called micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Nutrients are further…
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Every plant and animal possess unique characteristics that can be used to identify it’s species or name. While specifying the name of every plant on your property is usually not necessary, sometimes weeds can become an issue if they are dangerous, out of control, or simply not welcome. Correct weed identification is important in developing…
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As many of you know, Lincoln County recently built a new Agriculture and Extension Center located on county recreation property adjacent to the Curry Colvin Complex. When I first started as the ANR agent here, I began looking at opportunities to engage and educate Lincoln County citizens on agriculture and natural resources topics. In 2020,…
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Landscaping Chores for Spring You may have heard of spring cleaning for your home, but did you know spring cleaning for your landscape is just as important? There are several chores you can complete now that will improve the productivity and appearance of your gardens as we head into the warmer seasons. February is…
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A home gardener may choose to grow any number of plants from seed. Two benefits of seed starting, or propagating, are how inexpensive seeds are compared to their already-started or mature counterparts, and the broad variety of plant types you can get as seed but may not find otherwise. This time of year is typically…
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