Welcome to Jackson County 4-H. We would like to introduce our fabulous team members.
April Edwards our Jackson County 4-H & Youth Development Agent is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Master’s in Education. April is married to Andy Edwards a native of Jackson County. Andy is a poultry grower for Cobb Vantress and runs a small cattle, sheep, and goat farm. They have four children, David (25), Noah (23), Kayley (20), and Emily (18).
April’s favorite author, Kate Chopin, wrote in the novel The Awakening, “Even as a child, she had lived her own small life all within herself. At a very early period, she had apprehended instinctively the dual life – that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions.” April seeks to encourage the youth of Jackson County to continue to question and find answers that will lead them to fulfill the Georgia 4-H goal to “Grow True Leaders.”
Jonathan Page our Jackson County 4-H Educator began his career in Extension nearly eight years ago as an AmeriCorps member. Jonathan is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s in History.
Jonathan’s favorite quote is by The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams, “I may not have gone where I intended to go but I think I have ended up where I needed to be”, serves as a reminder to him that the journey to his current role as a 4-H Educator was not what he wanted to do when he graduated high school and college, but it is perhaps the most fulfilling journey he has had.
Greg Pittman our Jackson County Agriculture & Natural Resource Agent and County Extension Coordinator is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s in Poultry Science. Greg worked in the poultry industry for 21 years prior to joining extension.
When asked what he thought was most promising about today’s agriculture, Greg stated, “witnessing the success of long-time farmers who have managed through challenging times while assuring great opportunities for the next generation of agriculture providers.” Jackson County 4-H is thankful to have Greg as a strong supporter of the youth programs in our community.
Eryn Elliot our Jackson County Administrative Assistant is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s in Agriculture Education.
At the age of 12, Eryn interested her family into raising livestock. Her family now has a small cow/calf operation. When she is not working in the office, Eryn enjoys spending time with her family and their 3 dogs Rocky, Hooch, and Gemma. She also loves college football (Go Dawgs!) Eryn has a passion for advocating for agriculture and is continuing her education at The University of Georgia by enrolling in the Agricultural and Environmental Education Master’s Program. She is excited to meet all of the Jackson County 4-Her’s as she steps into the Administrative Assistant position here in the office.
Avery Moore our Jackson County 12-month VISTA AmeriCorps member is a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Human Development & Family Science.
Positive youth development is a huge passion of Avery’s, and she wants to work towards making all youth feel like they have access to the resources, support, and mentors they need in order to thrive. Jackson County 4-H is excited to have Avery join us for the next 12-months to assist with volunteer development.