A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Georgia 4-H Leadership in Action 2023
for 7th-12th grade 4-H’ers

Leadership in Action on georgia4h.org

 What is Leadership in Action?

Leadership in Action (LIA) is simple but impactful, and has two major components:

1)      Create, plan, and conduct a service project, activity, or awareness program that you think will help your community. 

Start by identifying an issue you’d like to address.  You may already know of a need in your community, an agricultural need, or an environmental need – maybe you know some kids that don’t get enough to eat when they’re not in school, maybe there’s a nature trail that has become so dirty with litter that no one uses it anymore, or maybe you learn that your local animal shelter doesn’t have enough staff to provide basic training for the dogs there. 

Once you identify a community need, think of a way to help meet that need – maybe you work with local food pantries and civic organizations to start a program to send backpacks of food home with kids every Friday so that they have something to eat over the weekend, maybe you organize a community-wide trail clean-up or an adopt-a-trail program with local clubs, or maybe you get friends to volunteer at the animal shelter and coordinate having a dog trainer come teach volunteers the basics of dog training to help the animals in the shelter. 

These are just a few examples to get you thinking.  If you don’t already know of some needs in your community, just start getting involved in community activities.  Observe, listen to, and talk with community members to better understand the needs of your neighbors.  Then, brainstorm project ideas and talk them over with your county Extension agent or other trusted adult mentors.  When you’ve decided upon a course of action, get out there and make it happen!  You dream it, then you do it!

2)      Submit a LIA Application that documents your efforts so you can get the recognition you deserve. 

Making your project, activity, or awareness effort happen is the majority of the work.  Next, you’ll share what you’ve accomplished by documenting your hard work in a LIA Application.  The basic application is called Part I and includes descriptions of the issue you decided to address, your response, the impact your efforts made on the community, and an evaluation of what you learned, what was most effective, and what you might improve.  Everyone that completes Part I receives local recognition in their county for their accomplishments. 

But why stop there?  With just a little extra work, you can complete Part II, as well.  For Part II, you do the same things as Part I, but include up to 2 pages of supporting materials (photos, news-clippings, programs, etc.) & get a community member to write you a letter of recommendation based on the work you’ve done.  The community member should not be your family member or county agent.  At a minimum, you will receive a state recognition certificate awarded through your County Extension Office if you complete Part II.  Plus, these applications will also be judged.  Eight Junior 4-H’ers will receive awards as “Outstanding Community Leaders” based solely on the application.  Seventh grade state winners will be recognized at the statewide Junior Conference in the fall, and 8th grade state winners will be recognized at State 4-H Council.  4-H members in high school (Senior 4-H’ers) who complete Part II also get interviewed and could win a trip to 4-H State Congress, a grant/scholarship, and/or could even become a Master 4-H’er!!

So, start thinking and planning, and then take action!  Keep track of the work you do and of your supporting materials.  Then, prepare and submit your LIA Application (hopefully, Parts I & II), documenting the work you’ve done.  Ask your 4-H leader about the deadline for registration and application submission.  Contact your County Extension Agent or Staff, visit the LIA website, and get started today!!

Overview of the Program:

  • Program is open to Junior and Senior 4-H’ers (7th-12th grade).
  • Applications should reflect a 4-H’er’s work over the past year, from January 1 of the prior year through March 1 of the current year in which the application is due.
  • All applicants meeting the criteria for the local award will qualify for recognition.
  • Senior applicants vying for recognition and competition should select Part II on the application. Senior applicants competing to become a state winner will participate in an application screening and interview process at the district level in hopes of progressing to the final state competition.  The two winners of the state competition at State Congress earn Master 4-H status.
  • Junior applicants vying for state level recognition must submit Part II but will not be involved in an interview process. Eight (8) juniors will be selected and honored as “Outstanding Community Leaders” based on their application. This award does not carry Master status.
  • Recognition is based on involvement in a community, environmental, or agricultural issue.
  • The program focuses on leadership demonstrated by the 4-H’er through the process of community engagement.

Complete Application Includes:

  • 1.     Cover Page signed by the 4-H’er and Extension Agent: https://georgia4h.org/wp-content/uploads/Leadership-in-Action-CoverPage.pdf
  • 2.     Part I of the application (required for local and state recognition applications) includes:
    • 1.     Situation (100 words)
    • 2.     Response (600 words)
    • 3.     Impact (350 words)
    • 4.     Evaluation (300 words)
  • 3.     Part II of the application (required in addition to Part I for state recognition applications only) includes:
    • 1.     Supporting Documentation (two 8 ½ x 11 pages max)
    • 2.     Letter of Recommendation (1 letter max) – should not come from a family member or an Extension agent
  • 4.     Registration of the applicant through 4-H Event Registration

Important Dates:

  • Application deadline is Monday, March 27.
  • Please hold Tuesday, April 11 for district interviews via Zoom for Senior 4-H’ers completing Part II of the program:

Other Resources:

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