A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Time flies when you’re having fun, but it’s hard to believe that it is time to think about planting Irish potatoes in middle Georgia. Generally, gardeners can plant potatoes when the soil temperature reaches 45 degress F, but potatoes germinate and emerge when the soil temperature gets about 50 degrees F.  This is usually around mid to late February in Middle Georgia. About the same time that crabgrass starts to germinate.

You need to cut your seed so that each piece of potato has at least 2 eyes and should weigh 1.5 to 2 ounces. During cutting, discard any potatoes that show dark ring or discoloration inside. Seed pieces should be planted immediately after cutting. Remember to use only certified seed and do not use potatoes from the supermarket.  Potatoes in the stores have products on them to help slow the growth of the eyes. 

Some Irish potato varieties you could plant include Kennebec and Irish Cobbler. Early varieties include Red Pontiac and Red LaSoda.   In our publication, “Potato Production in the Home Garden” we also list some unusual potato varieties that you may want to try out.      

Space the seed eight to ten inches apart and 4 to 5 inches deep with the cut side down. Later crops should be planted five to six inches deep. The best row spacing are generally 30 to 36 inches wide.

You can plant your potatoes on flat ground, but most people prefer to form hill around the plant. Hilling will provide more room for developing tubers and can aid with drainage.

Irish potatoes can handle soil with low pH with ideal conditions being between 4.8 to 5.4. If the pH is higher than that the potatoes can get a disease called the scab. You need to get a soil test from your local Extension office to determine the pH.

You also need to be careful with the fertilize you choose and apply. Too much N will cause delays in tuber growth. Broadcast fertilizer when you form your hills before you plant and incorporate it into the top 6 to 8 inches. Use one-fourth pound of 10-10-10 for each 75-foot of row. Then about 6 weeks after planting when tubers are forming, side dress your potatoes with 5 tablespoons of 34-0-0 (ammonium nitrate) per 10 row feet.

Crop rotation is a must with potatoes. Do not plant potatoes in the same area of the garden each year. Do not plant behind tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, or eggplant. Try to follow beans, squash, or corn.

If you have any questions about Irish potatoes or any other veggies please contact your county Extension Agent.  Don’t forget it is getting close to time to put out any preemergence herbicide for crabgrass.  You may as well do that the same time you plant your potatoes.

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