A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Around this time of year, we start to see pomegranates appear on the produce shelves. But did you know that you can grow them at home?

 The pomegranate is a large shrub that was domesticated in central Asia nearly 4,000 years ago. It features in many different cuisines and is consumed worldwide. In recent years, the pomegranate has had an increase in popularity due to its health properties.

Cultivation– Pomegranates can be grown in Georgia with some careful attention to their cultivation. They do not require any chill hours, but are susceptible to cool temperatures and to cold damage below 12 degrees. They are exceptionally heat tolerant. A site with full sun, good drainage, and deep loamy soil is best, although they will also do well in sand and clay. Pomegranates are slightly tolerant of acidic soil and do best when the soil pH is above 5.5.

Pruning- They can be pruned into a plant with a single trunk (common in California) but do best when trained to grow with multiple trunks. If the shrub is damaged by frost, those branches may be removed without significant loss of the plant, whereas single stalk plants would have to be removed. Prune them to allow light and air circulation. Aim for an inverted bell shape. Pomegranates produce fruit on 2-3 year old growth.

Harvesting– Depending on the cultivar, pomegranates will start to ripen during late summer to November. They are self- fruitful and do not require another shrub to set fruit.

Want to know more about growing your own pomegranates? Check out the article below:


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