A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Below is a summary of the data collected from “Nitrogen (N) Fertilizer Applications in Grafted Watermelon” replicated trial we conducted in Cook County with UGA Horticulture Specialists Dr.’s McAvoy and Coolong this year. This was a small plot trial (each plot was 6′ X 30′ with 10 seedlings/plot). Small plot trials have potential to not be an accurate representation as entire field tests however these results are an indication of relative differences between treatments. N applications did not have significant affect on harvest dates in this trial.  There were 6 harvest dates. Soil samples showed no nutrients were lacking prior to planting. Plants were Carolina Strongback grafted to Crackerjack and SP7 pollinators. Tissue sample results showed direct correlation with N applications. Please call me if you have questions about this trial. Tucker 229-507-8862

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