A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Below is from Dr. Camp Hand UGA Cotton Agronomist sent yesterday 9/19/22.

As we look at the forecast this week, we are going to be going back above 90. With all of the regrowth we have it will be important to back off of Folex and PPO rates so as not to stick leaves. With the heavy amount of regrowth we probably will need higher rates of thidiazuron (TDZ) to get good kill in the top of that plant and also prevent future regrowth from causing issues. So, the rates I am thinking for this week are 4 oz of TDZ (at least, can go up to 6.4 in a single app), 6 to 8 oz of Folex (tribufos), and 42 oz of Prep (ethephon). If you want to sub a PPO for Folex this week, let’s be thinking LOW. 0.5 oz Aim, 0.75 oz ET. The PPOs need to have an adjuvant in the tank with them according to the label. An adjuvant is not necessary with the standard 3-way mix.

Peanut Maturity Checks. Lenox Peanut Mondays and Thursdays 9 AM – 12Noon. Other days are at office or on site. Tucker

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