By Amanda Budd
The Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia recently announced the 12 2022 Classic City Award winners from 400 entries this year.
Each year, Trial Gardens staff plant and evaluate ornamental plant varieties sent to them by breeders around the world.
This year, the Trial Gardens team planted trial subjects between April 15 and May 15. Over the summer, the team monitored, maintained and judged the plants from 22 companies on a variety of factors that make them desirable to gardeners.
Trial Gardens Director John Ruter explained that plant breeding companies send plants they have developed to test their growth and performance in the Georgia heat and humidity, as UGA offers a prime location for these conditions. This testing can be especially necessary when the company is from a vastly different locale.
“A lot of these companies are in different climates and need to test their plants somewhere warmer and more humid, and we’re a good place for that,” Ruter said. READ MORE