A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Lawn and gardening information for Colquitt County from the Extension office..

Food Plot Webinar Archive…

I get a lot of questions about food plots at the Extension office.   Evans County Extension conducted a virtual food plot webinar on October 7, 2021, to provide participants with information about designing and growing food plots for deer. The keynote speaker was Bob Westerfield with UGA Extension and he is a former contributor for Quality Whitetails Magazine. Click on the link below to view the recording.

What is this insect?

I had a client bring this insect into the Extension office a couple of weeks ago.  The insects were found blooms of various yard shrubs.  According to Lisa Ames, UGA Homeowner Diagnostician Technician, this insect is Niesthrea louisianica or a Scentless Plant Bug.   The preferred host for this insect includes plants that belong to the mallow family.  This includes cotton, Chinese lantern, okra, and Rose of Sharon. 

Niesthrea louisanica feeds on seed and is considered a biological control method for velvetleaf. Velvetleaf is in the mallow family and can be an economic pest in corn and soybeans. 

If you would like more information about the Scentless Plant Bug please go to the following links…


The newest episode of the IPM on the Fly podcast is available for your listening pleasure.  A podcast that explores everyday pest issues from home & garden to big commercial farms – experts provide sustainable, common-sense solutions. Dr. Dan Suiter, UGA Urban Entomologist, is the guest speaker. 

In the last UGA IPM newsletter, the Fall Webworm was the Feature Creature.  Lots of great information about this insect.  If you have any questions please contact your local county Extension agent.

Fall Webworm

Hyphantria cunea (Drury)

Description: Fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) has two color forms – red- and black-headed, referring to the color of the head capsule. Red-headed webworm adult moths are white with brown spots and are most often found in the southern U.S. Caterpillar color varies, but in general, red-headed larvae are yellowish-tan with long white hairs, orange bumps, and a dark stripe along their back. Biology: Fall webworms can have up to 5 generations a year in the south, resulting in inactive webs on the same trees as fresh webs. In the spring females lay egg masses on the lower surface of leaves. Larvae hatch and feed on leaves and construct silken webs that enclose branch ends and foliage, preferring new leaves exposed to sunlight. Webbing increases in size as caterpillars develop. Mature caterpillars leave the nest at dusk to feed on foliage, returning to the nest before daybreak. Mature caterpillars leave the nest to spin cocoons in crevices in tree bark, under stones, or in soil. Adults emerge, and the cycle begins again up to four more times a year.

Damage: Native to North America, fall webworms feed on over 400 tree species in forests, yards, and fruit and nut orchards including pecan, hickory, walnut, persimmon, maple, sweet gum, river birch, etc. Though not a serious pest in forests, they can be problematic in nutand fruit-bearing tree orchards. Webworms are a nuisance in ornamental settings as defoliation can be unsightly. Smaller trees are more susceptible to serious damage. Healthy deciduous trees tolerate defoliation later in the year and resprout new foliage in the spring.

Management: Populations are naturally controlled by native predators and parasites. Since healthy trees recover from defoliation, the best approach is to leave webworms alone in non-commercial settings. The best time to attempt control is when insects are young and more susceptible. Pruning out webs is a possibility, but the tree will be left with unsightly gaps in the canopy. Nests can be removed with a stick to destroy caterpillars and disrupting the web leaves younger caterpillars more vulnerable to enemies. This method may not be possible for larger trees. Insecticides can be used when caterpillars are young. Control is less effective as nest size increases. Current pesticide recommendations are available from your county Extension office and the Georgia Pest Management Handbook. Be sure to carefully read the entire pesticide label before applying any pesticide.

Elizabeth McCarty, Forest Health Specialist, University of Georgia. Modified from the original article by the same author: Fall Webworm Outbreaks.

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