I have been to several early planted fields of cabbage over the last week or two and realize that recent rainfall has slightly delayed some field plans for planting this week. I would like to share a few questions that I have been receiving along with answers. Please call me if I can assist you in any way. 229-921-1992.
Question 1: Can I use a pivot to irrigate my treflan in on cabbage ground? See full answer for additional information on treflan and goal.
Answer: I have received this question alot. This is a two part answer 1) Treflan breaks down relatively quickly. According to Dr. Stanley Culpepper, it may only be lasting 4-12 hours in these extreme conditions we are experiencing. This may not be enough time in many cases for a center pivot to get around. 2) It is only labeled to be incorporated by tillage, and not by irrigation. Other comments: Treflan’s half life in the soil is around 45 days.
In addition to the first question, I have also received several questions on goal and would like to just provide a brief comment on goal to answer the questions I have been receiving.
Comments on Goal: Goal is a PPO herbicide (like valor, reflex) and can sit for a while if waiting on rainfall. When it is activated, it will begin to volatilize (this is why two of the three days required between application and planting need to be sunny). If soil moisture is high, then 3/10’s of an inch is sufficient for incorporation with irrigation, otherwise at least 1/2 inch should be used.
Question 2: What is the whitefly pressure like in the county?
Answer: I have observed several areas with high populations of adults and high numbers of eggs on various fall vegetable crops. It is important when using insecticides to manage immature and adult stages. I have seen some cases where the group 28s were working well but adult pressure was so high that the plants were still receiving injury from adult feeding. See this link to a blog post from Dr. Stormy Sparks where he shares information on whitefly insecticides.Stormy Sparks SLWF insecticide options
Question 3: What is the best program for management of pepper weevil?
Answer: Initiate pepper weevil sprays at bloom or just before bloom and spray twice a week. Rotate Vydate and Assail. You can also use a growth regulator (rimon or dimilin) but it has to be used in a consistent manner and not just once. Other products have some activity but not enough to be used in a rotation. I can assist you on rates or details on rotation.