Sources of weather and climate data
Since cold weather is on the way this coming week, it seems appropriate that NOAA published a map showing the average coldest day of the year. For most of the coastal plains area of the Southeast, the coldest air comes around the first week of January. Areas in the northern part of Georgia and Alabama…
The first few days of November have been more than nine degrees below average for most of the Southeast. You can visualize this data for yourself (sample current map shown below) at the High Plains Climate Center’s current climate summary maps website:®ion=US Unfortunately for those who like warm weather, these cold conditions are expected to…
If you are looking for a point-specific hourly weather forecast for applications like spraying, you might be interested in this product from the National Weather Service. It is a graphical hour-by-hour forecast for your location (by lat/long) that is available online. For most of Georgia you can go to and either enter your lat/long…
Weather information is one of the most important things farmers need to know when planning daily and weekly work as well for longer-term farm management. Every producer I talk to has a different favorite source of weather data they like to use for their planning. Some sources include The Weather Channel and internet web sites…
The National Weather Service radar-estimated precipitation for the month of October so far has been feast or famine across Georgia. The northern and western portions of the state have received up to 400 percent of normal in the far northwest, while east central Georgia has received 25 percent or less of its normal October rainfall.…
Early this week will have a variety of interesting weather events across Georgia and the Southeast. Today a “wedge” of cool air moved into northeast Georgia, dropping temperatures northeast of Atlanta. You can see the results of the cold air flow in the temperature map from the Georgia Weather Network below as well as a…
The National Weather Service office of the Southeast River Forecast Center has released their latest water resource outlook video on YouTube. If you are interested in short- and long-term predictions of rainfall and its impacts on drought, stream flows, and soil moisture you may be interested in viewing this seven-minute video. They update them at…