The Georgia Climate Conference is being held in Athens GA on May 15-17 at the Georgia Center on campus. It is three days of talks, panel discussions, and tours about how climate change is affecting Georgia and what groups and citizens are doing to curb it and to respond to its impacts. There will be sessions on agriculture as well as coasts, infrastructure, and many other topics. This week is the last week to submit poster abstracts and art pieces for the conference. Registration for the conference is also open, and they are looking for more sponsors too. Registration link and information for posters, art, and sponsorships are found below. The conference website can be found at
Registration for the 2023 Georgia Climate Conference is now open!
Registration for the 2023 Georgia Climate Conference is now open! This conference aims to support and accelerate Georgia’s efforts to take practical steps to minimize the risks and maximize the opportunities associated with a changing climate. The event will bring together hundreds of attendees representing multiple sectors and areas of expertise to collaborate, raise awareness of work across the state, highlight progress, and identify opportunities to do more. Cost: Early registration: $250 Students: $90 Late registration (after April 15th): $350 Student volunteers: registration fee waived
To support the 2023 Georgia Climate Conference, the Georgia Climate Project has announced a variety of sponsor packages. These sponsorships will allow the conference team to support in-person attendees in addition to prioritizing student engagement and admission to the 3-day conference in Athens. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or learning more about the conference, please send an email to GCP Director, Dr. Patricia Yager (