With the new administration’s desire to increase research on climate change and its recognition that agriculture is a key player in how the US responds to changes in climate linked to global warming, it is not surprising that there has been a lot more in the news lately about agriculture and climate. Here are some recent stories which describe why farmers and extension agents need to know more about the links between agriculture and climate and how farmers can help be part of the solution. Agriculture is being hurt by the changes in climate that are already occurring and is also contributing to the problem by excess use of fertilizers, emission of methane from rice production, draining of wetlands, and livestock production. But agriculture can and must be part of the solution, too, because we all have to eat.
USA Today: Once climate change deniers, the agriculture industry positions itself as part of the solution
KUNR: Heat Waves Could Bring Hundreds Of Billions In Agricultural Losses
The Farmer: Is carbon your next new crop?
Cornell Chronicle: Climate change has cost 7 years of ag productivity growth
ABC News: New problems arise for crop storage as planet gets warmer
The Guardian: Rapid global heating is hurting farm productivity, study finds
Global Eco Guy: How Do We Farm Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?