While parts of the Southeast are expecting yet another round of rain in the next few days, farmers in other parts of the country are also struggling with very wet conditions. AgWeb posted a story this week about how Midwestern farmers in the Corn Belt are also dealing with very wet conditions for a second year in a row. A recent Scientific American article also highlighted the soggy conditions and how farmers are facing a second year of infrastructure damage and soils too wet to plant their corn and soybeans. You can read it at https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/second-year-of-major-spring-floods-forecast-for-u-s-heartland/ . The outlook for the Midwest can be found in this nice summary sheet from the USDA Midwestern Climate Hub at https://www.climatehubs.usda.gov/sites/default/files/2.5.20MidwestFocusAgOutlook.pdf .

Source: Robert Kaufmann, FEMA Library