If you read this article from the USDA’s Northeast Climate Hub, the answer is a resounding yes. Long-range weather forecasts include the time period from about six to 14 days out, past the most reliable first few days of the weather forecasts, but not yet in the realm of chaos and inaccuracy. The article talks about how these forecasts have improved over time, allowing producers to plan field work and predict crop growth farther ahead than in the past. You can read it at https://www.climatehubs.oce.usda.gov/hubs/northeast/news/long-range-weather-forecasts-are-getting-better. You can get these long-range weather forecasts at https://www.cpc.noaa.gov/.

Note that daily weather forecasts beyond about two weeks are still mostly fantasy, in spite of some commercial weather outfits’ promotion of them. I was told by one CEO of a major commercial weather vendor (who shall remain nameless here) that their 45-day daily weather forecasts were “for entertainment value only.” In other words, they provide it because people want it, but don’t bet your lunch (or your farm) on them.