NOAA released their latest seasonal outlooks this week.  You can find them all at  A sampling of them are shown below.  They indicate that El Niño impacts are still likely for the next few months.  In summer a band of above-normal precipitation is most likely related to the more active tropical season we are likely to have in neutral or La Niña conditions.

Next winter shows a classic La Niña pattern with temperatures above normal and precipitation below normal.  Above normal temperatures are also the most likely to occur in spring 2017, which could indicate the potential for a drought to develop then, particularly in south Alabama and Georgia and into Florida.  However, keep in mind that each La Niña is different and the “typical” pattern is a statistical average of events and does not tell us exactly what a specific event will look like.

mjj 16 temp outlook  mjj16 precip outlook

aso16 temp outlook  aso16 precip outlook

ndj16 temp outlook  ndf16 precip outlook

fma17 temp outlook  fma17 precip outlook