As you can imagine, there are many articles about the South Carolina flood event. The rainfall is now winding down but the flood impacts will occur for a week or more as all of the water moves down the streams through the system. And of course the wet soils will remain for a lot longer. Here are some of the most useful ones I have seen.
The Capital Weather Gang posted a detailed analysis of the meteorology behind the rainfall event here.
Matt Daniel of EarthSky provided some additional details here and a link to the video of the white pickup truck I mentioned earlier as an example of what NOT to do in a flood. “Turn around, don’t drown.”
Brad Panovich of NBC Charlotte provides a description of the difference between a 1000 year rain event and a 1000 year flood here.
Chris Mooney of the Washington Post discusses what the flood event can and can’t tell us about climate change here.
Still to be discussed in the media:
- the implications for readiness by other communities along the East Coast, including Georgia, Florida, Virginia and North Carolina, since the event could easily have happened north or south of where it occurred this time
- the impacts of the flooding on agriculture, which is sure to be enormous happening so close to harvest