A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Recent Posts

  • Pruning BasicsArticle by Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County As we enter winter, or at least the Coastal Georgia version of winter, it seems like a good time to address the topic of pruning. Not all plants require pruning, and often whether a plant needs to be pruned or not is in the eye of…

  • Please help share the information below. The Camden County Extension office is seeking to hire a 4-H Educator. The position has been posted for several weeks but we will continue to take applications for another week or two. Application link is below. Camden County Extension Hiring 4-H Educator Position The County Extension Educator position is…

  • Carnivorous Plants

    Carnivorous Plants Article by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent in Camden County Possibly my favorite thing about working in Extension is learning and sharing about the odd and fascinating things in nature. One of the topics that falls into that category is carnivorous plants. Carnivorous plants have adapted to nutrient poor soils in their native habitats…

  • “Camden County Extension Continues Virtual Lunch and Learn Courses” Camden County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Warren, will continue offering virtual lunch and learn courses in 2022. Classes will be held once a month on the second Thursday of each month (with the exception of January which will be the first Thursday due to…

  • USDA-NRCS in Georgia and Georgia Conservancy, Inc. Announce Georgia Sentinal Landscape Sign-Up – Apply by 11/5/2021. The 11-county focus areas for prescribed fire and firebreak related practices for this land management funding announcement includes Camden County. Minimum property size is 25 acres. For more information scan the QR code on the flyer or go to:…

  • Misunderstood Species of Georgia Article by: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent, Camden County In Coastal Georgia we are so fortunate to be surrounded by such unique natural environments and so many fascinating wildlife species. Unfortunately, a lot of these species get a bad rap – usually because of poor human behavior or simple lack of understanding.…

  • 2021 Pruning WorkshopNovember 19th, Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center5960 Highway 17 South Guyton, GA 31312Cost: $60 GAA Members, UGA Students & Faculty, $85 Non-Members, Light breakfast & lunch included 5.0 ISA Credits ISA , TCIA, SAF and ASLA approved plus Certificate of Attendance. https://www.georgiaarborist.org/event-4264498 , Questions? Contact: 404-913-1422, info@georgiaarbirst.org Workshop Flyer & Agenda Details

  • Beneficial Garden Insects, Spiders and MitesWritten By: Jessica Warren, ANR Agent Camden County As an extension agent I get a lot of questions about insects and other “pests” in and around the home. Most of these questions revolve around how to kill the critter in question. I try to remind clients that not every bug…

  • 2021 Southeast Area Turf Grass Clinic – Presented by UGA Extension Ware County & Ware County Young Farmers Association. October 4-25, 2021. Each Monday, 6-8 p.m. Ware County Agriculture Facility, Waycross, GA. $20 per person. Pesticide CEU’s available for Private and Cat 24. See the flyer and registration form for more details. 2021 SE Area…

  • UGA Extension – Evans County – Presents — Food Plot Webinar Topics Covered: Soil Sampling; Planting Early Season versus Late Season; Designing Food Plots for Success Guest Speaker: Bob Westerfield See the below program flyer for more information and follow the registration link to sign-up for the program: Program Flyer Registration Link