A website from UGA Cooperative Extension
UGA logo and image of leaves with citrus greening

2025 Lunch & Learn Schedule through May

Feb 26: Common Insect Pests of the Home Garden

April 2: Frogs of Georgia

Camden County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Warren, will continue offering virtual lunch and learn classes in 2025. Classes have been planned through April 2025.  See below list.  All classes are recorded and an archive link will be emailed to everyone who pre-registers for the class. Classes will continue to be held 12-1pm. Classes are free and open to the public. To register, follow the link to visit our website where you can access the 2025 Lunch & Learn Registration Link. You can also email our office and request the link uge3039@uga.edu.

Invasive Species Alert! – Tallow tree (Triadica sebifera)

Chinese tallowtree is an invasive tree that is native to Asia and was introduced as an ornamental and for seed oil production. It is now spread broadly throughout the southeastern US. Tallowtree is allelopathic and has high levels of tannins in the leaf litter, which can alter soil conditions.

A deciduous tree reaching 60 ft (18.3 m) tall and 3 ft (0.9 m) diameter. Foliage is alternate, triangular to nearly heart-shaped, 2-3 in (5.1-7.6 cm) long with a narrow, pointed tip. Leaf petioles are 1 -3 in (2.5-7.6 cm) long. Flowers late spring to summer. Blooms are yellowish, small, and occur on 8 in (20 cm) long, dangling spikes. Fruit are three-lobed, greenish, and found in clusters at the end of branches. Fruit mature to black and later open revealing white, wax covered seeds.

More Info:
Emerging/expanding leaves are orange-red before turning green. It has attractive autumn colors.

Report Invasive Species Sightings: Reporting, maps, and more on invasive, pest, and biocontrol species

Extension Office Holiday Hours

We hope everyone enjoys some down time during the December holiday season! The Camden County Extension office will be closed for Winter Break from December 23, 2024 thru January 1, 2025.