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Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire Initiative

The Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire Initiative cost-share program is currently accepting applications for the FY2023 funding cycle. This program is available to private landowners in more than 60 counties who are interested in conducting prescribed burning on their properties. This funding cycle will encompass prescribed burns from December 2022-August 2023. The deadline to apply is November 11th, and applications will be evaluated and ranked with an emphasis placed on longleaf pine ecosystems, gopher tortoise and quail habitat, and proximity to military installations.

The Georgia Sentinel Landscape (GSL) Prescribed Fire Initiative is focused on helping landowners utilize prescribed fire as a land management tool to manage and maintain healthy forestlands. The benefits of prescribed burning include reducing wildfire risk, creating wildlife habitat, and enhancing aesthetics.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be the legal landowner
  • Only private forestlands are eligible for funding
  • Property must be located within a target county (Camden, Charlton, Glynn, Brantly Counties are included)
  • Landowner must be able to implement a prescribed burn or hire someone who can

Program Details:

  • Application deadline: November 11, 2022
  • Cost-share rate: $15/acre for prescribed burning
  • Must prescribed burn a minimum of 25 acres
  • No duplicative funding for these practices
  • Applications will be evaluated and ranked with an emphasis on longleaf ecosystem health, gopher tortoise and quail habitat, and proximity to military installations
  • Prescribed burning must be conducted legally by securing a burn permit and following all local ordinances
  • Landowner must allow Georgia Sentinel Landscape Pilot Project Coordinator access to the burn unit for application ranking criteria verification, prescribed burn progress, and mapping
  • Funded landowners must have the practices completed by August 1, 2023

To apply for the FY2023 cost-share program available through this initiative, please complete the application form below. For assistance contact Susan French (813)391-4476 or susan@longleafalliance.org
Fiscal year 2023 Georgia Sentinel Landscape Cost-Share Program Application

Fiscal Year 2023 Georgia Sentinel Landscape Cost-Share Program Flyer