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  • September 2024 4-H Newsletter

    Hello Parents and 4-H’ers, 4-H … The Fun Starts Here! We kick off all of our school clubs, homeschool clubs, and special interest clubs this month, and we are excited to meet all of our new 5th graders and other new 4-H’ers! One of our favorite things about 4-H is that there is space for…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We are wrapping up the school year, and are ready to start registration for all of our summer programs! Keep reading to see where you can plug into 4-H this summer.See you soon! Shawnie Sahadeo, 4-H Agent – ssahadeo@uga.eduRachel Smith, 4-H Educator – Camden County Extension/4-H Office1409 Georgia Ave, Woodbine,…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We have had an exciting school year with you! Record numbers in Project Achievement for all ages, three teens qualified for State Congress, our BB teams qualified for Daisy Nationals, and lots of special interest clubs are just some of the highlights of the past 8 months.We are currently planning our…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We are pumped about Project Achievement–Georgia 4-H’s premier event, where youth gain knowledge, confidence, life skills, and new friends! We had over 250 5th graders enter our local competition, and 111 of those were invited to compete at our district competition. They are working hard to get ready, and we can’t…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! Happy New Year! This edition is PACKED with information. We have information about our annual premier competition: Project Achievement; summer camp information, and all the local events going on. We also have a new staff person to welcome–Ms. Rachel Smith! We look forward to seeing you soon! Shawnie Sahadeo, 4-H Agent…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We are thankful and grateful to be able to serve you in this awesome community! We are also thankful for all of our dedicated adult volunteers and teen leaders that make all we do possible.  We have already recorded over 350 volunteer hours since August!  Make sure to tell them how…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We really enjoyed meeting all our new 4-H’ers and kicking off the new program year with fun clubs and activities! Keep reading to see how you can plug in and find your spark in 4-H! Hope to see you soon! Shawnie Sahadeo, 4-H Agent – Click on the link below…

  • Hello Parents and 4-H’ers! We kick off all of our school clubs, homeschool clubs, and special interest clubs this month, and we are excited to meet all of our new 5th graders and other new 4-H’ers! One of our favorite things about 4-H is that there is space for everyone to plug in and find…

  • Camden County 4-H’er, Madison McDonald wins 2nd place in the Food Fare Project at 80th Annual 4-H State Congress in Atlanta Georgia 4-H celebrated excellence during the 80th Annual 4-H State Congress as top 4-H’ers from around the state gathered in Atlanta July 18-21. State Congress includes the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action…

  • Coastal Junior Naturalist Program Do you love nature and the outdoors? Do you have an interest in our coastal ecosystems and wildlife? Do you ever wonder what jobs might be out there for someone with these interests? Join us for our first ever Coastal Junior Naturalist Program! This program is for students ages 11-15 and…