A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

Clifton Collins

  • Corporate Transparency Act-Does it Apply to Me??

    Do you currently have a licensed/incorporated business-example is your farm in an LLC? Are you aware of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Filing Requirement? Please read through this article from Georgia Farm Bureau and reach out to your CPA/Lawyer to determine if the CTA applies to you and your business/entity.

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  • This update has come from the director of the UGA Weather Network. Please see below. Over the last day, the area of potential development in the western Caribbean has become much more organized and has been designated as Invest 97 by the National Hurricane Center. This designation means the disturbance has become well-enough established to…

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  • Burke County Mid-Season Peanut Update

    For Burke County, Right now, our peanut fungicide programs are imperative that we keep the intervals tight and are using the correct fungicides. With white mold and leaf spot hits showing their heads, we cannot afford to miss a fungicide application. As growers are walking their fields, they should be looking for plants that are…

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  • Agronomy Update 8/8/2024

    Peanuts- White Mold Fungicides are still very important as soon as you can get in the field. From Dr. Bob Kemerait on white mold and leaf spot ““Big Gun” white mold materials almost always go out at 60 and 90 days after planting; a grower’s BEST choice of fungicides at 75 days and after 90…

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  • Agronomy Update- Peanuts and Cotton

    Peanuts- What does warm weather with sporadic rains and humid conditions mean? It is very favorable for white mold growth. According to Dr. Bob Kemerait, UGA Extension Plant Pathologist, it is time to be aggressive and stop white mold spreading NOW! He goes on to say “this requires deploying a top white mold fungicide at…

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  • Southern Corn Rust Positive ID

    Southern Corn Rust is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Puccinia Polysora. Southern Corn Rust is DIFFERENT than regular corn rust. You can identify Southern Corn Rust by the orange to tan pustules that occur in clusters on the upper leaf surfaces. When you walk through a field of corn with rust pustules the orangish…

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  • What Is an Excellent Stand of Peanuts?

    Burke County peanut growers planted around 19,436 acres of peanuts in 2023.  According to estimates our peanut acres increased about 8%.  Early in the growing season growers begin to evaluate the plant stand they have achieved to help finalize how they plan to manage for the rest of the season.  An optimum plant stand for…

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  • The following information came from Dr. Erik Prostko, UGA Weed Science Specialist A few things to chew on:  1) I have gotten many questions about tank-mixing Roundup + Liberty for weed control in field corn.  Check out this picture from my 2024 plots (May 6).  No real difference in weed control between 22 oz/A or…

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  • Planting Calculations

    The Information below came from Dr. Simer Virk, UGA Precision Ag Specialist. If you have any questions or need clarification, call your county extension agent. In Burke County that number is 706-554-2119. Below are some useful formulas to determine seeding rate, seed spacing, number of seeds per foot or assess emerged plant population based on…

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  • Additional Paraquat Trainings Available

    In order to sign up, Copy and paste this link https://syngenta.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oyHHgBXdS_6l_OiEMHz0_A#/registration

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