A website from UGA Cooperative Extension


  • Seed Cotton Program Coverage Elections

    There has been some discussion of changing coverage elections for the Seed Cotton Program. We participated in gathering some information for our UGA Extension Cotton Economist to help put together a factsheet that compares between the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) for this year after Hurricane Michael. They based the analysis…

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  • Mrs. Louise is Retiring

    Mrs. Louise McClain has been the heart of Burke County’s Extension Office for 30+ years.  We certainly do appreciate everything she does for each of us and the welcoming smile that greets you as you walk in the door.  Please join us as we celebrate her career here with Burke County Extension.  The reception will…

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  • Root-Knot Nematodes have become a major pest in cotton and cause more economic damage to Georgia crops than any other species of nematode.  Historically, cotton varieties with resistance to root-knot nematodes did not produce competitive yields.   According to UGA Cooperative Extension Plant Pathologies, Dr. Bob Kemerait, with cotton, if you plant resistant varieties in a heavily root-knot…

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  • Generic Base Discussion

    We have had many of you discuss the issues associated with the conversion of generic base.  There are basically two options that a grower can chose from.  You need to make this decision on a farm-by-farm basis.  What makes sense on one farm may not necessarily make sense on the next.  If you would like to…

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  • Peanut Maturity

    It is that time of year again. Time for fall festivals, football games, pumpkin patches, and it is time to harvest our row crops!  This year producers have faced dry climates, extreme periods of wet weather, late plantings, and setbacks in insect and disease management.  Corn harvest is underway and, across the board,  yields seem to…

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  • Silverleaf Whitefly

    Silverleaf Whitefly adults have been observed in low numbers across Burke County.  From what we have seen, immature whitefly levels have not reached threshold and therefore no treatment is necessary at this point.  Historically, we understand we do not typically treat for whiteflies in Burke County.  However, it is important to be aware and to know what to look…

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  • Southern Corn Rust Confirmed

    After taking a look under the microscope with one of Burke County’s growers, and discussing with Dr. Kemerait – we have confirmed that Southern Rust is in Burke County. Again, Southern Corn Rust pustules appear primarily on the top side of the leaf!  They are round and more dense than Common Rust.          …

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  • Corn Disease Update

    Southern Corn Rust has been found in Georgia!  According to Dr. Kemerait, and Dr. Noland, Southern Corn Rust has been spotted in Mitchell and Tift County. Southern Corn Rust infects the leaves making the plant incapable of producing sugars through photosynthesis, which reduces yield potential.  It will also drain the stalks of strength causing vulnerability to high winds…

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  • Soil Moisture in Cover Crops

    UGA Extension Agricultural Water Efficiency Team has partnered with Trellis to conduct a soil moisture and irrigation program – the goal for this project is to help local growers learn ways to conserve water and apply water more effectively as well as efficiently. Last year Burke County Participated in the AgWet Cotton Program.  This year…

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  • Know Your Stink Bugs

    Over the last week, Redbanded Stink Bugs have been reported in soybeans across the state.  On June 19th multiple Redbanded Stink Bugs were observed during Scout School hosted at the Southeastern Research and Education Center in Midville.  According to UGA Entomologist, Dr. Phillip Roberts, Redbanded Stink Bugs cause more damage than Stink Bugs in Georgia soybeans. …

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