Based on what we have seen, the irrigated peanut crop, on average, looks good across the county/state. With the abnormally dry, hot weather conditions the non-irrigated peanut crop is raising concern.
We have seen fields in non-irrigated situations that have dry, wilted, some dead areas. With poor canopy health, this leaves room for insect infestations, lack of fruit load, etc. According to Dr. Scott Monfort, University of Georgia Peanut Agronomist, many non-irrigated fields in SW Georgia could be ready to dig within the next couple of weeks, especially if we do not receive any rain. We need to pay special attention to non-irrigated fields in order to determine when to look at digging to obtain an adequate crop.
If you have any questions or concerns about non-irrigated or irrigated peanut crops, please contact the Burke County Extension Office.