August 2019
Corn Harvest Some are done, but for some harvest continues. With possible shower delays, there is a chance for weeds like morningglories, which can lead to high moisture and trash, stopped up combines and slowed progress. According to Dr. Prostko, “Growers who have annual morningglory problems might want to consider a harvest-aid application of Roundup…
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Based on what we have seen, the irrigated peanut crop, on average, looks good across the county/state. With the abnormally dry, hot weather conditions the non-irrigated peanut crop is raising concern. We have seen fields in non-irrigated situations that have dry, wilted, some dead areas. With poor canopy health, this leaves room for insect infestations,…
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Please join us for the Annual Midville Field Day!
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According to Lisa Baxter, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Forage Specialist, drought-like conditions this summer are forcing Georgia forage producers to delay treatment for Bermudagrass Stem Maggot. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, parts of Georgia are experiencing abnormally dry conditions. Normally, it is recommended to apply a pyrethroid insecticide labeled for forages 7-10 days…
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David Hall, University of Georgia Extension Water Educator, shares. When I talk to young kids about the importance of water, I ask, “how would your lives change if you woke up tomorrow and had no access to water?” Their expression is always a puzzled one. Looking back over this summer, I think to myself, “how…
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