Please refer to the date, time and location below for the last three candidate interviews applying for the UGA East Georgia Extension Agronomist position. This position was previously held by Dr. Jared Whitaker. Some of you were in attendance for Dr. Russell Henderson’s, Dr. Joseph Oakes and Dr. Mathew Wallhead’s earlier interviews. Please try to attend these interviews if possible as this position is of utmost importance to us in southeast Georgia.
Mr. Edward Beasley – Bulloch County Center for Agriculture – August 3 – 12:00 pm
Mr. Wade Parker – Bulloch County Center for Agriculture – August 15 – 12:00 pm
Mr. Mark Freeman – RJ’s Seafood – August 30 – 12:00 pm
Lunch will be served at each of the interview sessions. Please call the Bulloch County Extension Office at 871-6130, email or reply to this email at least one day prior to the interview if you will be attending.