Due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions, production meetings this year will be strictly virtual. The following is from the UGA Cotton Team: The University of Georgia Cotton Team would like to invite you to attend our annual cotton county production meetings virtually. Specialists from the University of Georgia Extension Cotton Team will discuss current topics…
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Due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions, production meetings this year will be strictly virtual. The following is from the UGA Grains Team: The University of Georgia Grains Team would like to invite you to attend our annual corn and soybean county production meetings virtually. Specialist from the University of Georgia Extension Grains Team will discuss…
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Due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions, production meetings this year will be strictly virtual. The following is from the UGA Peanut Team: The University of Georgia Peanut Team would like to invite you to attend our annual peanut county production meetings virtually. Specialists from the University of Georgia Extension Peanut Team will discuss current topics…
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Cotton Target spot is showing up in places pretty heavy. This is not a disease that we spray for every year, but it might be necessary in certain fields this time. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Bob Kemerait: Growers should consider protecting their cotton crop from target spot between the 1st and 6th weeks…
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From Dr. Stanley Culpepper: Dicamba (A. S. Culpepper). On June 8, the U.S. EPA released critical information on Engenia, Fexapan, and XtendiMax. The entire release can be found at https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-offers-clarity-farmers-light-recent-court-vacatur-dicamba-registrations Please visit the website for details; however, below are the details of the order: “Details of the Order EPA’s order addresses sale, distribution, and use…
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Corn Some of our earliest corn is at R1 (silking) stage and we have a lot approaching tassel as well. I have been looking for a few things in particular while walking fields: 1) foliar pathogens such as northern corn leaf blight and definitely southern rust and 2) stink bugs. So far, no southern rust…
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The following is from UGA Extension Plant Pathologist, Dr. Bob Kemerait: Why are we so worried about seed and seedling diseases on peanut this year? Answer: Seed quality and seedling diseases are ALWAYS a concern; however they are, perhaps, a more urgent problem this year because A) conditions at harvest and during storage in 2019-2020…
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With cotton prices as low as they are, it has triggered LDP payments for upland cotton. The Adjusted World Price (AWP) is updated every Thursday, but as of April 16, it was 44.78. The LDP is the difference in the AWP and the base loan rate of 52 cents. Therefore, the current LDP rate is…
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Here is some information from UGA peanut agronomist, Dr. Scott Monfort: Seed Options Growers should ask what the Germination % is on every lot they purchase. If you purchase seed, it should be 75% germination or above. You could send sample to get germination % from Department of Agriculture if you have time before planting…
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