Zidua in Peanuts (Prostko) It appears as though the following statement on the supplemental Zidua peanut label has many people confused: “Apply Zidua as a broadcast spray to peanut from “at-cracking” stage to first true leaf stage through beginning of pod development.” A few points to consider: a) For whatever reason, most people do…
Tank-Mixing by Dr. Prostko Tank-mixing pesticides can be rather complicated especially when numerous products will be mixed. Here are a few questions and answers based upon some recent inquiries that I have received: 1) Can I tank-mix Prowl EC and Prowl H20? I have never have done this in my research plots but I recently…
Written By: Eric Prostko What is ACURON herbicide? Acuron, from Syngenta, is a mixture of s-metolachlor + atrazine + mesotrione + bycyclopyrone registered for use in field corn, seed corn, silage corn, sweet corn, and yellow popcorn. Acuron can be applied preemergence or postemergence depending upon the type of corn. I have tested Acuron for a number…