A few notes for a Friday morning.
- Areolate mildew on cotton is burning in plots at the Stripling Irrigation Park near Camilla, Mitchell Co. This disease is plentiful in the plots, but early so that defoliation and leaf drop have not happened yet. Cotton growers across all of the Coastal Plain should scout for and respect this disease. Not just because I say it. But because the data county agents collected in the past that say protecting against areolate mildew makes more cotton and more money.
- Picture 2 from Cale Yarbough in Grady Co and Justin Hand in Tift Co. Whether you call it White mold or southern stem blight or southern stem rot, this disease is on fire in much of our peanut growing region. (79F and 96% humidity in T-town at 5:30 AM. Just saying the peanut buffet in the field next to Dr. Harris’ house is noisy with diners this morning…..)

- Picture 3- Justin Hand also found Diplodia boll rot in Tift Co. cotton yesterday. What can we do about this? Nothing but be thankful it isn’t worse yet…

- Picture 5- southern rust with Pam Sapp. Southern rust is probably just about everywhere in GA now. Late planted corn is at risk

BECAUSE SOUTHERN CORN RUST IS LIKELY EVERYWHERE IN GEORGIA, please DO not send anymore corn samples. You have done an outstanding job. You CAN send me pictures. PLEASE continue to send kudzu and soybean samples.
- From Lauren Stanley: Is it early leaf spot on peanut? Not this time, chemical burns can look a LOT like leaf spot on peanut! Give aways here- 1) there will not be sporulation on top of bottom of lead. 2) note that the centers of the spots have a tanned, buckskin appearance, and 3) a splattered appearance. Burns on peanut leaves can be EXTREMELY confusing. Do not hesitate to send pictures to me if you need back up.

- Soybean leaf from Jennifer in Jeff Davis Co. “I don’t think this is rust but..” Jennifer is correct; this is not soybean rust, though it may look rusty. For soybean rust under magnification, you should be able to clearly see small pustules that look a bit like volcanoes exuding spores that resemble rice grains. At least that is what they look like to me.