A website from UGA Cooperative Extension

It is time to prepare entries for the 2023 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club (GPAC).  We are expecting some very worthy entries with outstanding yields from the 2022 growing season

It is time to prepare entries for the 2023 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club (GPAC).  We are expecting some very worthy entries with outstanding yields from the 2022 growing season.


There will be 15 winners chosen in this manner:

State Winners

(1)    One state-wide winner that produced the highest average yield in Georgia in 2022 on 100.0 to 299.9 acres.

(2)    One state-wide winner that produced the highest average yield in Georgia in 2022 on 300 to 699.9 Acres

(3)   One state-wide winner that produced the highest average yield in Georgia in 2022 on 700 or more acres

District Winners

(1)    One winner from each of the four GPAC districts for the following three acreage categories:

    1) 100 to 299.9

    2) 300-699.9

    3) 700 and up

In our discussions with FSA, they are not able to quickly review their records and determine the top yielding growers in a county.  It will be incumbent upon you to solicit high-yielding entries from your producers.   

Please read rules 7 and 8 of the “Rules and Regulations” carefully.  Note that the minimum yield requirement for the 700 acres and up category is set at 3500 pounds per acre.

Enclosed you will find the following:

(1) Rules and regulations

(2) List of Counties in each GPAC district

(3) The worksheet “Plan for Determining Yields”

(4) Production questionnaires for entrants into the club

The winners in this year’s GPAC, as in the past, will receive a trip and professional improvement seminar sponsored for him or herself, his or her spouse, their county agent and spouse. This year’s location has not been determined as of Today.   The date will be 2nd or 3rd weekend in August

Each county should submit at least three entries: the county’s highest yield per acre in the 100 – 299.9 acreage category, the county’s highest yield in the 300-699 acreage category, and the highest yields in the 700 plus acreage categories.   Also, we need this information to look at production practices across the state and how producers have changed their management to achieve these high yields.  Deadline for entries into our office in Tifton is 5:00 PM FRIDAY, April 3, 2023. Please send the entries to Ashley Golden at 2360 Rainwater Road, Tifton, GA 31793 or ashley.golden@uga.edu   

Thank you for your interest and participation.  Call us if there are any questions.

Scott Monfort



cc:    Dr. Tim Grey

Dr. Laura Perry Johnson

Dr. Mark Mcann

        Stephanie Holifield

        Wade Parker


                                                      RULES AND REGULATIONS

  1. There will be four (4) Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Districts: I, II, III, and IV.  These districts

     were determined by a committee of CEC’s and the Extension Peanut Agronomist.

Listed below are the GPAC districts with the number of counties.  Attached on a separate sheet is each district and counties.

                                              Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Districts

  District  # Counties
    I  19
    II   7
    III  18
    IV  28

2.  All entries will report average yield per acre (lbs/A) and be entered into one of three (3) acreage categories.         The acreage categories will be as follows:

                                     Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Acreage Categories

(1) 100 – 299.9 acres                            (2) 300 to 699.9 acres

(3) 700 and up                         

3.  There will be one (1) state-wide winner for the 100 – 299.9 acreage category, one (1) state-wide winner for 300 – 699.9 acreage category, one (1) state-wide winner for 700 acreage and above category; and one (1) winner each within each district for the 100 to 299.9 acreage category, 300 to 699.9 acreage category and the 700 plus acreage category for a total of fifteen (15) winners.  Each county should submit their highest yield per acre for the 100 – 299.9 acreage category; the 300 to 699.9 acreage category and the 700 plus acreage category.  You can send more than 1 entry per category. If a grower is the state winner the next highest yielding entry will become the district winner.

4.  Acreage planted must be certified by CFSA smart card printout of each farm.

5.  Acreage entered must include total acreage on all farms and farm numbers farmed by a                producer/operator in Georgia.

This means every acre that a producer/operator is involved in producing, including those acres in which the    producer is listed as a co-producer. The exception would be if the other individual(s) listed as co-producer(s) entered the Georgia Peanut Achievement Club and included that acreage in their entry.  If peanuts are produced in more than one county, the producer will decide to which county his entry will be submitted. Minimum acreage required for entry is 100 acres.

6.   The overall state winner in the 100 – 299.9, 300 – 699.9, and 700 plus acreage categories will be determined first. The district winners for the 100 – 299.9, 300 – 699.9 and 700 plus acreage categories will be determined after determining the three overall state winners.

7.    Any producer averaging 4000 pounds per acre on all farms can be entered into the Georgia Peanut                 Achievement Club and can receive a certificate.  The minimum yield requirement for acreage category 3

      (700 acres plus) is 3500 pounds per acre.

8.   In the event that an acreage category within a district does not produce a yield of 4,000 pounds per acre or more (3500 lbs/A for the 700 plus acreage category), then the highest yield in that acreage category from all entries statewide will be declared the winner, provided it exceeds 4,000 pounds per acre.  If  there are no statewide entries with a yield of 4,000 pounds per acre within that acreage category, then the next highest yield statewide will be declared the winner if it meets the minimum acceptable yield as determined by the rules committee.

9.   The reported peanut production will not be separated by peanut market type (runner, Virginia, Spanish, Valencia).  For the purpose of the Peanut Achievement Club, market types are not treated separately.

10.  Acreage and poundage entered must be listed with the County Agent and acreage certified by CFSA. 

      Agents are tasked with the jobs of certifying acres and yield as reported to buying points and CFSA

11. All yields will be ascertained by use of the “Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Plan For

      Determining Peanut Yields”.  Yields must be verified by the County Agent, and he may use the

      assistance of any qualified person.

12.  Records for District and State awards must be received in the by 5:00 PM, Monday, April 3, 2023 to be    eligible.

13. A State Peanut Committee reserves the right to check any yield thought necessary.


a) County Awards:  Peanut Achievement Club certificates will be provided to County Extension

Coordinators if they have entrants that meet the stated production requirements and verification procedures (see rule # 7).  Local recognition will be at the discretion of the County Extension Coordinator.  County Awards should be administered at the county level, not through the State office in Tifton.

b) Peanut Achievement Club District Awards: The peanut producing area will be divided into four Peanut Achievement Club districts.  The growers with the top yield per acre in the 100 – 299.9 acreage category, 300 – 699.9 acreage category and the 700 plus acreage category will receive plaques designating them Georgia Peanut Achievement Club district winners. Only one award in each acreage category per district will be presented.

c) State Awards: The highest average yield in the 100 – 299.9 acreage category, 300 – 699.9 acreage category, and 700 plus acreage category will be declared state winners.  The state winners will receive a plaque designating them as state winners.


  I  II  III  IV
  1. Early  1. Seminole  1. Dooly  1. Grady
  2. Calhoun  2. Decatur  2. Pulaski  2. Thomas
  3. Clay  3. Miller  3. Crisp  3. Brooks
  4. Quitman  4. Baker  4. Turner  4. Tift
  5. Randolph  5. Mitchell5. Worth  5. Cook
  6. Terrell  6. Dougherty  6. Wilcox  6. Lowndes
  7. Lee  7. Colquitt  7. Ben Hill  7.Berrien
  8. Stewart     8. Dodge  8. Irwin
  9. Webster     9. Bleckley  9. Telfair
  10. Sumter     10. Laurens  10. Coffee
  11. Marion     11. Wilkinson  11. Atkinson
  12. Schley     12. Washington  12. Lanier
  13. Macon     13. Johnson  13. Wheeler
  14. Taylor     14. Jefferson  14. Jeff Davis
  15. Houston     15. Burke  15. Montgomery
  16. Peach     16. Jenkins  16. Bacon
  17. Twiggs     17. Richmond  17. Toombs
  18. Crawford     18. Screven  18. Appling
  19. Talbot        19. Emanuel
           20. Candler
           21. Tattnall
           22. Evans
           23. Bulloch
           24. Effingham
           25. Ware
           26. Wayne
           27. Pierce
           28. Treutlen



1.  The area entered for these awards must be the entire peanut acreage produced for market by the grower, consisting of at least 100 acres.

2.  The acreage entered for these awards shall be certified by the producer.  The records entered from the counties in which the farm’s records are kept should be certified by the CEC making the entry.

3.  Acreage must be determined to the nearest tenth of an acre.

4.  The peanuts entered are to be harvested and picked in the conventional manner.

5.  After picking, the peanuts must be hauled to market, weighed, and graded in the conventional manner.

6.  Determining Yields – A grower entering should report all pounds harvested and marketed on all acreage in which he/she is listed as operator.  Agents need to certify each grower via the FSA certified planted acres as well as summary sheets of pounds marketed from all buying points  The total poundage should be divided by the total acres to calculate final yield. FSA should verify if acreage changed in any manner.

7.  Peanuts saved for seed, future pricing, etc., are considered part of the peanut production for the purposes of the Georgia Peanut Achievement Club.  These weights can be certified by buying point personnel (on company letterhead) and witnessed by the CEA or CEC.  An alternative would be to calculate the weight by using the peanut wagon volume and bulk density of peanuts.

8.  The form below must be Typed and received in the Tifton office by 5:00 PM, Monday, April 3, 2023.


This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge, the measurements and weights presented below are correct. _______________________________of________________________,____________________

             (Name)                                              (Location)                            (County)

Georgia, produced                   net pounds of peanuts on                  acres of peanuts in 2021.

The peanuts graded                               (avg).  Net yield per acre ______________________ 

______________________________________  ______________________________________

          (Producer)                                                    (County Agent)

Check acreage category entered:                        100 to 299.9                     300 to 699.9

                700 plus 

Attach buying point summaries for all farms.


                                   APPLICANT INFORMATION – PLEASE TYPE

Producer’s Name                                                                   County____________________                                 

Wife’s name                                                                             (for trip information only)

Mailing address   ___________________________________________________________                                                                           

UPS Address   _____________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                 

Telephone                                               (residence)                                         (business)

Producer’s email address ____________________________________________________

Agent’s name                                                        Wife’s name   _______________________                              

Agent’s home address _______________________________________________________  

Agent’s email address _______________________________________________________

Agent’s UPS address  ________________________________________________________

In 100 words or less, explain what you feel were the keys to your peanut yields in 2022:


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Planting dates: ____ __________________________________________________________                                                        

Seeding rate:                         (seed/foot of row)     &              __________________(lbs/acre)                                                

Row pattern:_________________________________________                       

Crop rotation (4 yrs)            ______        ________  _________        ____________________    

Cover Crop: ________ (Yes or No)        Type of Cover Crop, if yes:___________________

Brief description of land preparation procedure ____ _______________________________

____ ________________________________________________________________________

Was a soil test taken?                                      _________________(yes)                               (no)

Soil test levels (actual or range):  pH                  Ca                   P                  K                  Mg               

Was lime applied? (yes)                    (no)                     When applied? (month)                                       

Inoculant:_________ (Yes or No);

Type of Inoculant: _________________________(liquid, granular, or sterile peat)

Inoculant product:__________________________________________________

Fertilizer:  Analysis                                                     , Amount                               (lbs./A)

Landplaster used:                 (yes)                        (no);   Type used:______________________                                                         

Peanuts irrigated:                          (yes)                                        (no)

___________________percent of acres Irrigated

Irrigation: Number of applications_________      Total Water Applied________________                                                                                                         

                                     (NO. OF APPLICATIONS & CHEMICALS USED)

Weed Control:             Preplant/preemergence   _______________________________                                                                             

At-cracking               ___________________________________                                                                                 

Post-emergence      ____________________________________                                                                                

Disease control:            Leafspot                       Application #        ground          air ____            

White mold   _________________________________________

Nematodes     _________________________________________                                                                                              

Insect control:              Thrips        ___________________________________________                                                                                                                                                        

Foliage feeders  _______________________________________                                                                                            

Soil-borne insects _____________________________________                                                                              

Average price received per ton:    ____________________________________ ________                                                                                        Estimated production cost (variable & fixed):                                                              ($/A)

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