There will be an ARC/PLC Information Meeting on Monday Nov 18, 2019 at Noon at the CASE Farm. Staff from the Irwin/Ben Hill USDA FSA and UGA Ag Economist Dr. Adam Rabinowitz will be speaking giving more information on the decision-making process. This is an important meeting you will not want to miss. Please call the Irwin County Extension office at 468-7409 if you will attend to help with meal preparation.
Key Points for 2019 ARC/PLC Decisions
ARC/PLC election and enrollment for 2019 must be completed by March 15, 2020, and ARC/PLC enrollment for 2020 must be completed by June of 2020. There are other key points that growers should be aware of the key points for making decisions toward ARC/PLC for the current Farm Bill are:
1. ARC/PLC election and enrollment for 2019 must be completed by March 15, 2020.
2. ARC/PLC enrollment for 2020 must be completed by June of 2020.
3. Eligibility for Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) maintained with PLC. ARC acres are ineligible for SCO.
4. Seed Cotton base acres enrolled in ARC/PLC are ineligible for STAX on planted cotton acres.
5. PLC yield update for landowners (one-time opportunity) to be completed by June 30, 2020
6. PLC yield updates effective for 2020 crop year
7. All elections and updates must be unanimous by producers or landowners as applicable.
We are planning a lunch meeting at the CASE Farm on Monday November 18th with Dr. Adam Rabinowitz UGA Extension Ag Economist and Cliff Fussell and his USDA FSA Staff – This is a meeting you certainly will not want to miss. Here is a link to the Texas A&M tool to help you work through your specific farm situation