From the desk of our Bugwood Image & EDDMapS Coordinator, Rebekah D. Wallace:
“Welcome to our March Newsletter on Callery pear and leatherleaf mahonia. These species bloom in late Winter/early Spring and so can be easily found this time of year. Callery pear is rapidly spreading across the Eastern US and leatherleaf mahonia is an emerging invasive shrub and important to be on the lookout for.
Anyone can report Callery pear, leatherleaf mahonia, and other invasive species via or via the EDDMapS app and experts that participate as EDDMapS Verifiers will review the records.
Links to resources, graphics, and images included in the newsletter:
- Callery pear images for educational use
- Callery pear Species Info
- Callery Pear Fact Sheet
- Callery pear Social Media Graphic
- Leatherleaf mahonia for educational use
- Leatherleaf mahonia Species Info
- Leatherleaf mahonia Social Media Graphic
- Keep Invasives Out! Social Media Graphic
- Don’t Move Firewood
For more resources on Callery pear, leatherleaf mahonia, and other topics:
Bugwood social media links:
Facebook / X (Twitter) / Instagram / LinkedIn
Newsletters archived at“